Posted on Friday, March 2, 2012 · 3 Comments
I've mentioned here before that I don't care much for fruits and vegetables.I've also mentioned how I need to eat much more of them.
Complex carbs. It's what we all need... and what I need to find a way to get into my diet more and more.
I should rephrase my disdain however, by saying that I like vegetables when they are prepared nicely. And by nicely I mean not just chopped up on a plate...cause it has to be pretty incredible dip to make that appetizing day after day.
So I'm just not going to do that.
It should also be stated that I'm also quite done with worrying about being a purist. I know raw is the healthiest way to eat them...but I just don't eat them that way ( I mean I do...just not on a daily basis), so I'd rather they be cooked than go uneaten.
Also, my vegetables come from the dreaded grocery store.
I have spent quite a lot of time in the past two years getting all lathered up about how much I wish I could have shelves of preserved this and that grown locally and organically in my own garden or some other worthy person's, ...but alas, it's just not going to happen.
For garden has to go this year. As in, it won't be a go...
I may get a small number of tomato plants or some lettuce going again, but last year's container garden of vegetable plants looked a brow ( for lack of better term that won't offend people who come from certain less desirable neighborhoods)...and in the interest of making our house as desirable as possible for market value this summer...that just won't due.
So yes, I am throwing out my laurels on food production for aesthetics...but so be it.
Also I don't have the time or money right now....
And again I'd rather just be eating a vegetable or fruit at this point no matter where it came from.
I noticed one day that my kids will eat their vegetables willingly if they come in soup form. So I give them a lot of soup.
I decided I may as well start making up some soups for myself and here is what I came up with....
Here is a much more sophisticated recipe with a much classier photograph too. |
Cream of Broccoli Soup.
A mishmash of other people's eloquent and tested recipes...all thrown into a pot.
3 Heads of broccoli all chopped up.
1 quart of chicken stock (and yes, that's one carton)
2 cups of whole milk
butter, a half an onion, some garlic and a bag of frozen shredded zucchini that's been hanging out in the back of the freezer...
melt butter, saute the onion in it and add some garlic.
Throw in the three heads of chopped up broccoli.
Throw in the carton of chicken stock
and then the 2 cups of milk once it starts getting really hot.
Simmer it all until the broccoli is nice and soft and then add some salt and pepper.
I use my hand blender and blend the whole thing smooth which makes it extra delicious and fulfilling somehow.
If I were you, I'd grate a little cheese on top and enjoy it with whole wheat crackers; rejoicing in the fact that you are eating much more broccoli than you would be if you'd chopped that bad boy up and just tried to chew it down like a mini tree mulcher...
Anyways, I've been coming up with all sorts of ways to include more and more servings of vegetables into my diet over the last few weeks and I think I might start trying to post them here if anyone is interested. I feel like a queen eating all these delicious foods every day for my lunches; it's even become something I look forward to. I'm a big fan of anything that only needs to be prepared once and then sits in the fridge patiently waiting for me to devour it over the course of the next few days, so that's what most of my ideas are. If you also have any ideas, I'd be grateful to have them shared here too!

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Ann Demeulemeester
Yarn Along
Do you guys do fruit smoothies?! My kids love them and it's a great way to get a load of fruit servings in a day. But recently I've even taken to adding spinach to them for a good dose of veg and iron. You can also add swiss chard or kale. And you can't taste the leafy greens, which is great! One good tip I learned is to wash the greens, shake them out, and put them in the freezer. That way they'll be slightly frozen and crispy for blending, which makes it easier than blending them soft.
I was a vegetarian for quite a few years so i can share some of the oh-so-delicious veggie based recipes I have, including veggie chili, veggie lasagna, and roasted veg (all 3 of which are big hits! )
That soup looks wonderful and yummy Ashley. Good for you. I love soup - and leftovers too. You have a much more eloquent way of saying it I must say but course we all knew that!
The crock pot is a great way to get the cooking done and of course there's always stirfry. It is hard to get it all in but try piling up the veggies on a sandwich with roast chicken or something like that - so wonderful!
Have you made panini's? Super good too with lots of variety. You can make them like a grilled cheese sandwich or even a waffle iron might work if you don't have the panini maker.
Hope that helps!
Those are excellent suggestions, both of you!