Hi! my name is Ashley Winkel. I'm a 26 year old stay at home mom who thrives best when I write, even if it only about the humble adventures of my life. I have one fantastic husband, two fantastic kids, one house full of a million projects always waiting to be done, a sewing machine that really get's a workout and a kitchen full of experiments that don't actually work out all that often.
I like to write about my life, my crafty projects,crocheting, quilting, my trials and thanksgivings, homeschooling, family life, love and living with migraine disease and triumphing over anxiety baby step by baby step. I love blogging most for the opportunity to connect with other amazing people in this digital universe and encourage one another along the way, which means don't be shy! I love to read your comments and I always try to return the love or answer any questions you might have. I previously wrote at "creativelywinkel.blogspot.com" at a blog titled "Stories of a Homemade Life" but people grow and change and I felt I needed a new space and some fresh inspiration, but you can check out a ton of my misadventures there too, the archives are still around.
I love my Heavenly Father, and write with the perspective that His Grace is what sustains me, retrains me and guides me. I cling to the promise that He makes all things beautiful in His Time. I am simply on the lookout for both: the timing and all things beautiful around me every day.
Thanks for visiting and have a beautiful day yourself!

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