Posted on Tuesday, November 20, 2012 · 2 Comments
Blogging again? I can't even say if it's a good idea.
I really don't know... I hardly know myself some days; so much has changed. Theres been a remarkable transformation that's been going on in my life and it's far from over.
I've gone from status quo to being a very sick person to being a person undergoing major transition and landing somehow on my feet and beginning the remarkably difficult uphill climb to being a person on the road to health...physically and otherwise.
I guess I had the thought that to write and share in some small way the parts and particles of the journey that myself and my family has been on might be a way to step back and gain the perspective so necessary to being able to continue forward every small victory side-by-side with every small defeat on step at a time.
For those who don't know... I was diagnosed after going off of writing this blog back in the early spring with Multiple Sclerosis and I can honestly say that blindsided our whole family and close circle surrounding us. What followed that diagnosis have been some of the most challenging and difficult months of my life (which is saying a lot if you know any of my life story) and yet through it all, God has been there and He is truly making all things beautiful in His time.
I have made some amazing discoveries and made some major life changes in the past months and my life has a new normal that is quite different from what I would've considered normal only a year ago.
It's incredible how much a single year can change one's life so drastically and I am certain that the changes are only just beginning.
I'd like to write about the changes we've been undergoing... the changes I've been undergoing! Even just to keep them all straight in my own head, but furthermore that they may serve as a testimony for what God has planned for my life. A plan to prosper me and not to harm me, a plan to give me a hope and a His time.

I'm so happy to see you back in this spot :)
I'm so happy to see you here too, Ashley. It is good to get "the story" directly from you, so there is no confusion caused by one's own take on things. You have much Courage, in many ways, & this is one of them. I love you SO much, as well as your dear little family. You are Inspiring!!!