The title of this blog is taken from the words of an old song, "In His Time". The lines are:
" In His Time, In His Time.
He makes all things Beautiful in His Time.
Lord, please show me every day,
As your teaching me your way,
That you do just as you say,
In Your Time"
In Your Time, In Your time
You make all things beautiful in your time
Lord, my life to you I bring
May each song I have to sing
Be to you a lovely thing
In Your time.
This song strongly reminds me of my mother who passed away when I was a very little girl; I remember her voice singing it and was told recently by my grandmother that the song was very dear to her as she believed very strongly in the message of those lyrics. Life for my mother was difficult in the short time before she died very young and suddenly, but I believe every bit myself that the testimony of her life is that the Lord wrought beauty out of her situation as well as her untimely death.
Today, without telling my whole life story here, I can also say that the promise of this song is one I am clinging to as well. I believe many of us struggle with the hardships we face and with the confusion of why we are facing difficult things. Answers sometimes seem far away or trite under the weight of our frustration, but I choose to put faith in the fact that all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord, that there is indeed a plan to prosper and not to harm us and that every moment that we are here is a gift and every new day an opportunity to lift up our eyes and see All the things being transformed beautiful all around us right now. Large and small they are not to be missed and that is the goal of this blog. To chronicle all things beautiful as I find them and to note the passing of His perfect timing.

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Ann Demeulemeester
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