Posted on Friday, January 13, 2012 · 5 Comments
Today is the first day that my life has been a little more normal this past week. Monday I started sliding and by Tuesday it was all kinds of weird here as I ended up first at the Doctor and then at the University Hospital visiting an urgent neurologist. Which sounds really scary and was pretty scary but we're all still in one peace (intended) and at least the doctor was able to tell me that I wasn't about to leave this world, even though for the past few days it felt like I the very least fall off the edge of it I've been so darn dizzy that just getting around my house has been as much coping as I can do.
Even my ability to articulate sentences has been coming and going and I'll have periods of time (that are getting blessedly shorter and further apart) where I go completely stupid. Yes, it's frightening. I've also been remembering dreams from the past in such vivid detail that I can't remember whether they happened for real or not...pretty trippy, and apparently what can happen with severe migraine episodes like the one I had last week. The Neurologist thinks my brain has been sitting at a half a migraine for about a week now, thus all the weird symptoms and they've scheduled an MRI for me as soon as humanly possible (which is still a couple of weeks away) to determine why my brain has done what it has done. She surmised that it might take another migraine attack to reset my brain but thankfully it seems that instead it has decided to heal itself and slowly resolve it's I said a little freaky, but still a reassurance to know that I'm holding my own brain wise and I'm in no immediate danger.
That being said it's caused us to have some serious late night conversations about my prognosis and to take into consideration the doctors assertion that I need to perhaps make some very real lifestyle changes and decisions to better manage my condition. ( I don't have any bad habits per se, but with migraine disease...going outside in the wrong weather conditions can trigger one of these bizarre attacks).
The other big changes I need to make are in the area of fats, salt and caffeine. As in I need a lot more of each one., I beg your pardon? My tripping brain had a hard time figuring out what you said?
Yes, the anti seizure medication I've been prescribed causes weight loss...and I don't have much to lose, so I need to increase my calories and fat intake and my super low blood pressure needs me to consume more sodium. (as well as 3 litres of water a day! Oh mercy!). On top of all of that, the Neurologist wants me to start taking in caffeine everyday to see how it affects my migraines and my brain's ability to cope with the stupifying effects of the anti seizure med.
All of this leads me back to more doctor's appointments, a second consultation with another migraine specialitst and...alot of salty buttered popcorn. The other night I scarfed down a whole bowl by myself along with a coke and two butter tarts....nice huh?
And Kevin joined me...because well, who likes to binge alone?
Anyway, the finicky science of finding the needle in my haystack continues. I wasn't surprised to hear the specialist say what I've heard before several times now.
" Migraine disease is a diagnosis of exclusions. We weed out as many possible factors as we can and prescribe treatment basically through trial and error. Unfortunately in your case, we refer to your condition as complicated migraine disease and that means that finding those exclusions are ...complicated. In the meantime you feel like crap as we struggle towards finding a handful of possible solutions that can make you feel better until your brain decides to change all over again and we keep playing catch up."
Yep....that sounds about right.
But at least for today I have the energy to get dressed and tidy up my house...(tidy is a nice neat compact word...overhaul is maybe more the word my house's condition needs)...and I haven't had to grip the counter so far....these are good things, and now if you'll excuse me I have to go eat some bacon...and a large cappuccino.....

- Keep Coming Back
- Right Now....
- well....that was fun!
- The Romance of a Foggy Day
- Tiaras for Two
- What can a week bring?
- Bad Days
- I'm sorry,... what?
- Half of my Prayers
- Pickles had a party
- Epiphany
- All in the Mix...
- Ice Cream Conversations...
- Are We There Yet?
- Like a Tree Planted by the Rivers of Water
Ashley, I'm so sorry you've been struggling with this so much! What a scary week you must've had :( But I suppose as far as short terms solutions go, drinking more coffee and eating more fatty foods isn't the worst thing...
i'll be praying for you and Kevin, and wisdom for the doctors!
Oh my goodness, Ashley. Girl, that's a lot. I'm praying for you, and that sounds so small and cliche but I mean it with all my heart. Perhaps the girls and I should come visit, I'll bring cookies and lattes, and you can show me where the vacuum and mop are, k? =) Love you, friend!
Oh Ashley! We prayed for you at my women's Bible study and we will be lifting you up in our small group as well. If you need anything, whatever, please call me. God be with you.
My gosh Ashely...what a week so far. When I was praying yesterday, you came to mind and I felt the urge to pray for you. We'll continue to pray for you and hope that the 'exclusion' treatment can be swift and easy. Now, go drink a coffee.
p.s. Maybe I should come and visit you in Feb. sometime...