Posted on Wednesday, January 25, 2012 · 1 Comment
For starters, a big thanks to Oma for the birthday gift! |
This box of sticker tiaras has been sitting up in the cupboard since October. Every once in a while my daughter remembers that it's there and asks if we can pull it down and create some for ourselves. I'll admit, it hasn't been high on my list of projects to do.
First there was the Christmas rush that ran from October to the End of December...then there was the Christmas burnout which has lasted for all of January so far( I haven't even touched the sewing machine since Pickle's birthday party).
But today when those big green eyes implored me to please, please make sticker tiaras today... I was out of excuses.
Still, I came up with one anyway.
"Honey, I'm about to start making about we do it after supper tonight?"
"As soon as we're done?"
"Sure. As soon as we're done".
An hour and a half later I put my fork down and she was at attention, standing next to shoulder.
"It's after supper promised, let's make Tiaras!!!!!"
I finished chewing, swallowed, and went to get the box. To her credit she helped clear the table.
And then we actually had a ton of fun. The stickers were all numbered and coincided with numbers that were printed in patterns all over the little foam tiaras so I figured it was actually a pretty educational activity for number recognition and patterns and sequences, not to mention fine motor control.(those stickers were tiny!)
But more importantly every thing was bright and sparkly and glittery and colored like was wonderful.
While we were plodding away at this time consuming feat (another plus in my book, because it kept my girl absorbed for almost an entire hour) we got to chat and sing and laugh together and that was really the best part of the whole exercise.
At one point my little girl began singing aloud along with me, old camp songs and ditties she's learning at school. She began improvising her own creations all songs about chocolate chips, putting on rain jackets and riding horses through golden skies....I didn't want it to end to be honest, and apparently neither did she.
" I just love chatting with you mom." she said. "Me too honey, me too."
"Isn't this just the best thing ever? I don't ever want to be done."
Yes, it sure is.
... and neither do I.

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So sweet! And the tiaras are beautiful :)